12 Aug 2018
http://asm.biosci.gatech.edu/ Dear colleagues,
As conference chair, I would like to call your attention to the upcoming 104th Meeting of the Southeastern Branch of the American Society for Microbiology. This year’s meeting will be hosted by Georgia Tech and will take place on the Tech campus in Atlanta from Nov 30 (Fri) to Dec 2 (Sun).
The theme of the meeting is Microbial Dynamics and Infection. This topic envelops the field’s emerging understanding of how microbe-microbe interactions drive important functional outcomes, including the pathology of microbe-host systems, as well as environmental biochemical cycles. The Southeastern region, including the Atlanta area, has a strong group of researchers working in this space, and we’re excited to showcase their interesting work.
We are honored to feature two exceptional keynote speakers:
Dr. Hesper Rego, Yale School of Medicine, talk: “Killing Mycobacteria – One Cell at a Time”
Dr. Susan Lynch, University of San Francisco, talk: “Canary in the Coal Mine: How the Neonatal Gut Microbiome Promotes Atopy and Asthma Development in Childhood”
The ASM regional conference, at ~300 attendees, is more intimate that the national conference, is relatively affordable ($75 student registration**), and is an overall excellent venue for interacting with local colleagues andstudents. The conference is particularly suited for student and postdoc presentations.
**Please also note that the first 20 students selected to give a talk, and who live 50 miles away or more, will receive complimentary lodging.
Please encourage your lab members to submit an Abstract. The deadline for Abstract submission is September 1, 2018 at 5:00. Registration instructions and other conference details can be found athttp://asm.biosci.gatech.edu/
We hope to see you in Atlanta in November!
Frank Stewart (Chair), frank.stewart@biology.gatech.edu