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Congrats to Allie! Beckman Scholarship! - 2 Jun 2019

2 Jun 2019

Excellent work, Allie!

Supported by a grant from the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation, the scholarship provides $18,200 stipends, research supplies and travel funds for top undergraduates to complete an intensive 15-month research experience with a Georgia Tech mentor.

Foundation Mission

Dr. Arnold O. Beckman and his inventions revolutionized the study and understanding of chemistry and human biology. He assumed many roles – educator, inventor, civic leader, and philanthropist. His life and career were built on his personal integrity, sense of humor, and love for science. Today, the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation holds steadfast to the directives of Dr. Beckman and his wife Mabel, his values, and the mission of the Foundation; to provide grants to U.S. researchers and U.S. nonprofit research institutions in chemistry and the life sciences, to promote scientific discoveries and particularly to foster the invention of methods, instruments, and materials that will open new avenues of research. Dr. Beckman believed strongly in reinvesting in science and research, supporting up and coming scientists and looking for the future “Arnold Beckmans” of the world.

Program Purpose

The Beckman Scholars Program (BSP) is dedicated to identifying, nurturing, and mentoring undergraduate research scientists throughout the United States who have the potential to become national leaders in their fields of chemistry, biochemistry, the biological sciences and the medical professions.


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